UPICK APPLES - Beware the Rhinopeño Beetle when u pick our Yellow Transparents, 3 trees ready now! bit.ly/O3ZnMz http://t.co/wqdaIQYV
Exotic species! The Blue-Wheeled Spud Bug found on the farm! Breaking news in latest Crop Alert -- bit.ly/O3ZnMz http://t.co/DtRqCGZo
Peach crop got a world-class whooping, but there ARE some to pick. Get the story & juicy pics, bit.ly/N721q2. http://t.co/sRLS0kXs
Fresh Crop Alert! "Peaches & Whatnot." Get the details (and there are some details) on our site: bit.ly/N721q2 http://t.co/D2DJqpzk