Tired Of Cooking After The Holidays? Try Out The New KFC Festive Feast Plus $50 KFC Giveaway from . bit.ly/TKxNZ9
Louisville, Kentucky was named the top U.S. travel destination...probably because of the delicious chicken! Who's been? bit.ly/YOCiaV
The holidays are coming up. Prepare yourself. Who's been here before? bit.ly/11hNAnI
Know someone who could use some peace and quiet this holiday season? Share these videos with those in need. bit.ly/VjT0xY
What if you got served KFC on a plane? Japan Airlines is doing just that for the holidays. (via ) huff.to/Wvcnzm
Fan Inspired: Original Recipe cookie! Secret blend + choco chip cookie = new sweet & savory treat. Would you try it? bit.ly/V6ChbT