you bring me KFC tonight for dinner!
Can you figure out where this KFC is?
If you guessed South Africa - you're right! RT Can you figure out where this KFC is?
If you could bring back a favorite KFC menu item from the past, what would it be, and why?
You think the competitors are So Good? Check out this sport:
I uploaded a video Growing Up and Getting Out: Episode 4 Chores
Knowing today is a KFC day!
Fill-in-the-blank:______ from KFC is my favorite!
What sport are you most excited for this week? What are you going to eat while you’re watching it? :-)>
The KFC is all gone.
Who has a good caption for this photo?
The first KFC restaurant was opened on this day (August 4) in 1952! That calls for a celebration. :-)>
Today's the anniversary of the Colonel's first restaurant in Kentucky. Who knows when it opened?
Notice anything unusual about the Colonel's attire?
I will find the nearest KFC for dinner.
Excited about new PSA w/ Christina Aguilera launching this fall! Check out the footage:
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! :-)>
It's almost Friday! That calls for some KFC tonight!
_____ (insert your name here) likes KFC Bites and they cannot lie.
Who can guess where this KFC is located?