Pork Chops are 98¢ LB. and a 5-lb. Bag of Russetts is only 99¢! Details and more weekly Marsh specials >> yfrog.com/mmzagrtj
Try this flavorful & healthy recipe - Creamy Polenta with Shrimp, Roasted Poblanos & White Cheddar: bit.ly/WFcxVV
Create a bit.ly/Tn9DHI account and load the eCoupon to SAVE $1 on Marsh Bratwurst (available thru 1/23/13) >>bit.ly/XzRhFr
Marsh Dietitian Mary Snell offers easy tips for eating healthy when on-the-go: bit.ly/WoDA7V
Recipe of the week: Anise Orange Shrimp and Scallop Skewers: bit.ly/V7NW9P yfrog.com/h4rofetj
Buy 10 participating General Mills items in 1 transaction w/ your Fresh Idea Card & get 50 BONUS BOX TOPS instantly! bit.ly/VsPgbm
Receive a FREE Gallon Milk & FREE Dozen Eggs w/ these printable coupons! Details on coupons: bit.ly/VqtFk1 yfrog.com/oeio9zvfj
WEEKEND SPECIAL at Marsh, 1-lb. Pkg. Florida Strawberries, 2/$5 with your Marsh Fresh Idea Card (good through 1/20/13). bit.ly/WhZXf7
Look for the Girl Scouts at your local Marsh to get your cookies and support their programs! : bit.ly/Vmf1KC
The January Marsh “inspired” e-magazine offers 8 delicious & heathy recipes! Give them a try >> bit.ly/SytPSB yfrog.com/h7k7ttrj