lori on forever yours
Awww, this is so sweet! :)
lori on Retro Striped Guy's Birthday
Welcome to Minted! This is really nice! Love the bright colors! :)
Carolyn on Miles Away
really great concept!
Kelly on Birthdays Rule
clever and cute!
Kelly on The best!
not sure what the "highest salaried jobs" means, but I like the design.
lori on Sweet Blossoms
So pretty! :)
lori on Cow Birthday
Welcome to Minted Paola! This is super cute! :)
Carolyn on Hats Off
This is SO versatile -- great for girls/guys, and any photo. Great job!
lori on On the Road
Cute + fun! :)
Stacey on The Fields
This is so awesome! I love it. So rich in texture.
lori on Vintage Hats
maybe a frame?
Thanyaluck on Covered in White
nice landscape photo :) love the feeling
Diana on Wishi Washi
I personally like the lighter better! It really brightens the colors overall
lena on figurative
feedback welcomed...
Stacey on Ring Toss
Amy, this entire series is super rad. Love them. Great job.
Stacey on houses
Love it.
Diana on Sweets for the Heart
Thanks for the warm comments!This is indeed done digitally, with Photoshop CS5.Also wanted to include some detail shots!
Kim on sleepy owl
I think your changes look great!Best of luck to you!
Emilie on Seal
So unbelievably cute!
Stacey on You Are Loved!!
very cute but I would love for the phrase to be a tad thicker.