Flower Anemone - Green
The Green Flower Anemone is a small flower-like Anemone. The Flower Anemone, also known as the Rock Anemone or Rock Flower Anemone, can be found in many different colors. The oral disk is generally a different color than the tentacles. The disk can b...[Read More]
Our Price: $24.99 On Sale [
Mandarin Dragonet
The Mandarin, a.k.a.Green Mandarin, is absolutely stunning in appearance, with their incredibly colored patterns and colors. The Mandarin is full of colorful sweeping shapes of red, blue, and green throughout its body. The Mandarinfish is a very peac...[Read More]
Our Price: $14.99 On Sale [
Lobophyllia #43
EYE IT BUY IT items are specially selected items that have been photographed and presented as What You See Is What You Get. Photo was taken underwater under LED lighting. ...[Read More]
Our Price: $42.99 On Sale [
Halimeda Plant
Root system should be buried in sand bed. Not very many saltwater animals will eat it. This plant does not tolerate excessive pruning and high levels of nitrate or phosphate....[Read More]
Our Price: $9.99 On Sale [
Pagoda Cup
The Pagoda Cup is a large polyp stony coral, which grows in a conical or cup shape, commonly referred as pagoda cup, turban, vase, or scroll corals. It can grow horizontally as well as vertically, and a number of these species may extend their polyps...[Read More]
Our Price: $25.00 On Sale [
Premium Brain Coral - Assorted
We have approximately 20 specimens of exceptional brain corals that would ordinarily go up in our EIBI section selling in excess of $75 each. This weekend we will sell them as a group and save the processing time... and in turn give you a great coral...[Read More]
Our Price: $25.00 On Sale [
Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish - Tank-Bred
Aquacultured Black Ocellaris Clown Fish...[Read More]
Our Price: $24.99 On Sale [
Nassarius Snail - Group of 50
The Nassarius Snail is a wonderful reef tank scavenger. These snails have a trunk-like tube they extend from their curved shells in order to hunt down food. The Nassarius will often times bury itself into the sand bed and wait until it senses food in...[Read More]
Our Price: $39.99 On Sale [
25 Assorted Hermit Crabs + 25 Assorted Cleaner Snails
Super Special Mega Pack! Receive 25 assorted hermit crabs PLUS 25 assorted cleaner snails....[Read More]
Our Price: $34.99 On Sale [
Dispar Anthias - Limit 3
The Dispar Anthias, a.k.a. the Redfin or Madder Seaperch, has an orange to yellow body with a dorsal fin marked distinctively in red. In the wild these fish form large groups where they feed on floating plankton.The family of Anthias are closely rela...[Read More]
Our Price: $16.99 On Sale [
Australomussa #88
EYE IT BUY IT items are specially selected items that have been photographed and presented as What You See Is What You Get. Photo was taken underwater under LED lighting....[Read More]
Our Price: $124.99 [
Brain Coral - Red Closed
The Red Closed Brain Coral has more dominant red coloring. Color patterns will vary and will normally include green coloration in the middle, outer edger or in streaks. This coral has a plate bottom with maze-like ridges that protrude upward. They re...[Read More]
Our Price: $54.99 On Sale [
Banggai - Kaudern's Cardinal - Wild
The Banggai Cardinal is a very intriguing fish with its silver and black colored body. These fish have large eyes and like to spend their time hovering in place. Their black tail lobes are covered with white spots. They have two very high dorsal fins...[Read More]
Our Price: $19.99 On Sale [
Torch Coral - Medium
The Torch Coral is truly beautiful with its long flowing tentacles coming from a branching skeleton. Its polyps are single tipped and usually colored in green or brown.Corals are part of a biological group known as Cnidaria. Most Cnidaria have a mout...[Read More]
Our Price: $44.99 On Sale [
Frogspawn - Single Head Frag
The Frogspawn will either have a continuous exoskeleton or it will be branching. This coral resembles a mass of frog eggs, with numerous tiny balled tentacles branching out from the tissue.Corals are part of a biological group known as Cnidaria. Most...[Read More]
Our Price: $17.99 On Sale [
ORA Snowflake Clownfish
Snowflakes are a popular variant of A. ocellaris that have a considerable amount of irregular white markings on the body. The edges of the white coloration will typically be jagged and angular. Each Snowflake is evaluated by an experienced grader for...[Read More]
Our Price: $69.99 On Sale [
Alveopora - Frag
The Alveopora Frag forms branching colonies with polyps with 12 tentacles. It is fairly delicate and may do well in a fairly nutrient rich reef tank. The Alveopora Frag does not need intense lighting but moderate, along with moderate water motion to ...[Read More]
Our Price: $17.99 On Sale [
Bicolor Blenny
The Bicolor Blenny has an elongated body with the anterior colored in dark purple and the posterior in yellow to orange. They have long straight cirri. These little fish have tons of personality and love to find a favorite spot in the aquarium to cal...[Read More]
Our Price: $12.99 [
Hammer Coral Branching - Frag
This is a great coral for the beginning hobbyist. The hammer coral can be pink with white tips or a delicate green shade with pale tips.The large polyps are phaceloid (coralites that are of uniform height and are adjoined at the base) and extend in t...[Read More]
Our Price: $17.99 On Sale [
Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 50
The Turbo Snail, a.k.a. Astrea or Florida Turbo, is the most popular snail in the aquarium industry. Turbos are cone-shaped and their shells are often times covered in coralline algae. These snails are tremendous film-algae eaters and will forage on ...[Read More]
Our Price: $24.99 On Sale [