RT : Be sure to check out the @SmartFinal Social Circular for new weekly deals bit.ly/VkqBsd
It's not too late to party with us! Join our Twitter Party happening now, RSVP: ocmomblog.com/smart-final-ch…
Check out our big Ambiance giveaway with Espresso Makers and $1000 in Giftcards! bit.ly/Vkqj4B
Less than 1 hour till the party! RSVP for Twitter Party TODAY @ 11 AM PST! Prizes! bit.ly/10PfUAC
We're giving away 6 De'Longhi BCO264B Cafe Nero Combo/Espresso Makers, a $220 value & $1000 in Smart & Final Giftcards! smartandfinal.com/Ambiance2013
After you RSVP for the Twitter party here: bit.ly/10PfUAC , join our tweetgrid here: bit.ly/VkopRN
Join us on 1/26 for a Tweet Up in Bakersfield, win prizes from @SmartFinal!! bit.ly/13XnDv3
Check out the Ambiance gift set @notquitesusie gave her brother, you can win one too! bit.ly/11ROx8j #cbias#choosesmart
It's almost time! Bring your coffee cup to Twitter Party TODAY @ 11 AM PST! Prizes! bit.ly/10PfUAC
RSVP for our Twitter Party 1/24 11 AM PST. We are talking coffee & giving away prizes! bit.ly/10PfUAC
We're giving away 6 De'Longhi BCO264B Cafe Nero Combo/Espresso Makers, a $220 value & $1000 in Smart & Final Giftcards! smartandfinal.com/Ambiance2013