If they're so distracted by their new camera they miss Christmas dinner, your gift was a success. Make it happen here: bit.ly/RRV6Ei
We've been giving away all sorts of goodies with our Dream Big, Win Bigger sweepstakes. Have you entered yet? bit.ly/YK1Xmu
We heard Fijit Interactive Friends make great holiday season helpers. And at $15, who could resist! Available in-store. bit.ly/Xzy86r
Red, our Elf on the Shelf, found some buddies to hang out with! Check out this season's Top Toys: bit.ly/VKAxY4 http://t.co/YR0xiTP7
RT and share the love: Our Friends and Fans offer is back! Spend $50 and get a $10 GiftCard. Quantities limited. tgt.bz/FriendsandFans
One hour until @HGTV's Holiday ! A few of the goodies we'll be giving away: bit.ly/SJSZPF bit.ly/SJSZPz