Who else? , Fashion Director of wearing as featured on tommyton.tumblr.com pinterest.com/pin/4763964668…
Let’s Hear it for NY! We raise a congratulatory toast to Mallory Hagan on her crown! yfrog.com/h8ydaswsj
Live from 's opening day, the latest denim trends reported by and instagram.com/p/UgZADQSnj7/
From the Games to the Globes! Olympians & party in Hilfiger style at the yfrog.com/oet3eouj
See the photos from last night's held with to celebrate plus.google.com/11588316288768…
Happy New Year from the Hilfigers! However you're celebrating, we know you'll do it in style. yfrog.com/obir2kpj
The Hilfigers come alive in @GQmagazine – Get the “GQ Live” app and come party with us bddy.me/11TGJRO yfrog.com/oedpnouj
Check out the pics from & 's “Men of NY” event in support of Hurricane Sandy relief on.fb.me/TwoADB
Imagine the freedom of sailing around the world. Follow on the Tommy Hilfiger Freedom Tour here on.fb.me/UfjHBG