Details for Saturday, October 20 Partly cloudy skies. High 58F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Looks to be a nice day for our visitors today.
We would like to welcome St. Thomas School's Family and Friends today. Hope you all have a great time!
APPLE SALE: Same size & same price - Buy 1 Get 1 FREE While Supplies Last!
While Supplies Last: Various dressings & sauces //// jams & spreads //// canned peaches, applesauce & tomato juice = BUY 3 GET 1 FREE.
Looking forward to nice weather this weekend!!
Well, we got all of the School Tours done and out of here before the rain hit... that's good news.
Anyway, tonight's dinner: Tonight's Dinner Special: Beef Pot Roast, baby roasted red potatoes, mixed vegetables, coleslaw, and bread.
Our T1 internet had been down for almost 3 days... how frustrating.
Because of the weather forecast the ponies are taking a break today, so they will not be here.
Tonight's Dinner Special: Beef Pot Roast, baby baked potatoes, mixed vegetables, coleslaw and bread.
Sunny & 63... sure is a lot of pumpkin pickin going on today!
Festival Days are happening today. The barrel train, pedal carts & the U-Pick wagon will be running today.
It's a bit brisk... bring your hats and gloves. The sun is shining!
Great day for hot apple cider!
Making the flower beds! Getting ready for the frost. We covered all the flowering mums with sheets.
Chad Weber Midstate Magazine About Town host… Pretty nice news piece.
We are serving lunch out of our Apple Bin Bakery today. The normal Festival Day activities will start @ 10am.
Looking forward to a sunny day tomorrow!
Catching up on some much needed rain.