Canola Oil - A Nice Choice
There are plenty of cooking oils out there - extra virgin olive oil being a favorite. Canola oil is another reasonable option. It can be a healthy choice that doesn't significantly impact food flavor. AND you want to lean organic when it comes to canola oil. In fact, lean towards a specific form of organic canola oil - please read on...
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Got IBS? Maybe Go Gluten-Free
Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is very common. And sometimes the symptoms are hard to manage.
You may have heard about gluten-free diets being associated with an improved sense of health for some people.
Now there are data suggesting that people with IBS might lessen symptoms by following a gluten-free diet.
If you have IBS a gluten-free trial (after consulting with your doctor) may be worthwhile.
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Peanut Butter - Is Low Fat Better?
Peanut butter can be a healthy (and tasty) option when eaten in moderation.
And lower fat varieties should be even better, right?
Well, not really.
It's okay to eat low fat varieties of peanut butter on occasion but full fat peanut butters are healthier for you.
Better still - try some almond or cashew butter.
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Boston - Managing Fear When Fear Hits Home
Our prayers go out to all who suffered as a result of yesterday's events at the Boston Marathon.
Even people outside the Boston area may experience some degree of suffering, perhaps in the form of fear.
Experts say that the goal of terror is to induce fear. The best counter to fear is control.
We can manage our response to terror by taking control of what we can and acting to better the world in ways small and large.
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Neti or Not?
Spring is in the air!
And so is pollen.
For allergy sufferers this time of year can be a challenge.
One very useful tool is the neti pot - filled with sterile saline it can be used to help cleanse your nasal passages of debris and allergenic material.
BUT - don't use tap water!
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Artifically Sweetened Milk?
Kids are drinking less milk these days - hopefully more water and less soda, but definitely less milk.
Some people, namely the dairy industry, think a "solution" would be to make milk sweeter by adding the artificial sweetener, aspartame, to flavored milks.
And not putting it on the front label of the milk carton.
Whatever you think of the idea of adding asparatme to milk (I think it's a very bad idea), most anyone would agree that less than transparent labeling is crossing a line that should not be crossed.
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Sugar or Sweeteners?
Sugar is getting a very bad rap these days.
And for good reason.
But a little added sugar is okay, say a teaspoon in your one glass of tea for the day.
And using the "good stuff" (real sugar), as long as it's in small amounts, may actually be better for you than some of the artificial sweeteners out there.
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The Dr. Oz Effect - How Much is Too Much?
The Dr. Oz Show does a great job of sharing helpful health information with viewers in a way that's easy to understand.
If you watch every day, however, you may wonder how many of the supplements do you have to take, which dietary practices to put in place, or which other activities are a must for you.
It could get confusing, even overwhelming.
Don't let that happen - simply use a small number of recommendations that apply to you most closely (and discuss them first with your doctor).
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Acid Reflux - Are the Drugs Called PPIs Safe?
PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) are very popular drugs used to help treat acid reflux.
They can be very effective.
They are also very likely overused.
And they have some troubling side effects you should know about.
If you're using a PPI know the questions you should ask your doctor - read on...
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Calcium Supplements - Yes or No?
Calcium has been in the news quite a bit of late.
Specifically calcium supplements - and their potential to do harm.
Provided your vitamin D levels are adequate you can usually get enough calcium from a varied and healthy diet.
And some people still could benefit from calcium supplements - your doctor will help you decide if you need them, but the dose should be relatively low.
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Antioxidant Produce - What to Do?
Which vegetables and fruits have antioxidants in them?
The question comes up often, and since our last posting on antioxidant supplements it has popped up again.
The good news is that almost all vegetables and fruit offer some nutrient benefit to us - often in the form of antioxidants, and sometimes through other health-promoting compounds.
To get the widest variety of antioxidants eat a wide variety of brightly colored produce on a daily basis.
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Antioxidant Supplements - What to Do?
Antioxidants such as vitamin C play an important role in maintaining optimal health.
The single best way to get them is by eating a wide variety of brightly colored vegetables and fruit.
It's much easier to simply pop an antioxidant supplement pill though, isn't it?
Maybe easier, but not necessarily healthier for you. Some data now suggest that high dose antioxidants could be harmful in specific circumstances.
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Heart Disease - Prevent it Now
What if your doctor told you that you were on the verge of developing heart disease?
While the wording may be a little confusing, apparently some people are being told this.
The doctor likely means that risk factors such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, inflammatory changes and stress have worsened.
AND even then there is much you can do to help lessen the risk of heart disease - you simply have to start. Sooner is better than later.
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Exercise - Do You Need Rest Days?
Do muscles really need time to rest when you are exercising them?
The answer is - yes.
In fact, not only is it important to build rest days into your fitness regimen, it can be important to build in periods of rest WHILE you are exercising.
Appropriate rest gives your muscles the time to recover and function appropriately, and helps to avoid injury.
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Free Integrative Oncology Symposium - February 8
If you or someone you love has a history of cancer you may be interested in attending the inaugural Levine Cancer Institute Integrative Oncology Symposium one week from today on February 8.
Presentations will be offered addressing topics ranging from Nutrition and Health to the use of select therapies such as acupuncture and meditation to help enhance balance and promote health.
Best of all - the full-day meeting is free once you register.
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Antioxidants - How Best to Get Them
Plenty of people take vitamins and supplements.
Often those supplements include antioxidants.
There's debate about whether antioxidant supplementation is important for good health-
but there's no debate about the antioxidants you get from vegetables and fruit -
they're good for you!
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Zinc for the Common Cold?
The best way to take care of the common cold?
Do your best not to catch it in the first place!
But if you do come down with a cold you might be tempted to give zinc lozenges a try - do they work?
Well, they might, but the research results are inconsistent and there are a few precautions to keep in mind.
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Dairy (in moderation) is Good for Most
Are dairy products good for you? Or do they cause inflammation in the body?
A little of both.
Generally, dairy can be considered a healthy option in moderation. Lean organic when possible.
However, dairy products contain a protein called casein that can drive inflammation in some people.
While dairy products are a good source of calcium, there are plenty of others.
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Statins and Muscle Aches
Statin drugs can be very helpful in lowering cholesterol levels and lessening the risk for heart disease and stroke.
Some people, however, develop a bothersome side effect - muscle pain or weakness - that can ultimately be more than just bothersome.
The good news is that 2 supplements may help lower the risk of this side effect.
The best news of all is that the majority of people on statin drugs do not develop muscle pain or weakness.
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