Taking the Holidays in Stride
The December holidays should be a time of joy, wonder, and family.
But sometimes they’re also kind of stressful…
And they don’t have to be – read on to learn about simple steps you can take towards making sure the holidays are meaningful, enjoyable and manageable.
Of Noise and Calm
On a daily basis we're exposed to a variety of sounds -
Conversation... And more.
Background noise can impact us in ways we may not be aware of - it can calm us, or add to a sense stress.
Try to expose your self to healing sounds more often, and shut out those noises that irritate and offend as best you can.
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Are Raspberry Ketones Safe? Effective?
Raspberry ketones have been growing in popularity as a weight loss aid.
And there are VERY PRELIMINARY ANIMAL data suggesting they may be of slight help in this regard.
But it is way to early to go out and buy them - we don't yet know how effective they really are, and especially how safe they are.
Precautions exist for people taking medicine to help control diabetes as well as those on the blood thinning medication Coumadin (warfarin), among others.
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Added Fiber and Protein Can Be Easy - and Tasty
Getting adequate protein into your diet is relatively easy, and it doesn't all have to come from animals.
At the same time, you likely know that fiber is important for good health.
Protein + fiber all in one food source would sure be nice...
A good solution -
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Peptic Ulcers and Diet
Ulcers that develop in the mucosal lining of the stomach, duodenum (part of the small intestine) or esophagus are fairly common, and treatment is usually straightforward and conventional (prescription drugs).
But you can use diet to help manage peptic ulcer disease - and you don't have to give up a lot to do so.
But you also need to address stress in healthy ways because social / emotional stress can play a role with ulcers of the digetsive tract.
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Fish Oils - To Supplement or Not?
You may have heard about the results of a recent study that concluded that fish oil supplements may not offer as much in the way of health benefits as we thought.
BUT the benefits of EATING cold water, fatty fish remain well-recognized.
AND some people may benefit from using high quality fish oil supplements.
The bottom line recommendation in this regard hasn't changed -
eating fish can be tasty and very good for you; supplements likely less so.
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What is a prebiotic?
Some of you may have heard about probiotics - bacteria that when ingested could improve health.
Sounds crazy, but it's true - while some bacteria can be harmful to us, others are very important to our overall health.
And bacteria need food to live on just like we do.
That's where prebiotics come into play.
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Hypothyroidism - Lifelong Medication?
Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland that produces too little thyroid hormone, is a common condition, especially among women.
And it is readily treatable.
All that is needed is thyroid hormone replacement therapy, typically one pill a day.
But the medication almost always needs to be taken for the rest of a person's life.
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Honey is Sweet - But Not for Infants
Honey is a sweet treat.
A natural treat.
And one that should not be given to infants - because it as been associated with something called botulism.
And botulism can be very dangerous.
Please do not give honey to children under one year of age.
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The Common Cold - What to Do?
It's cold season - you might have noticed, as there are plenty of people around hacking and coughing.
What can you do?
Work to prevent yourself from getting a cold in the first place through relatively simple yet effective measures.
Those same measures can also help shorten the duration and lessen the severity of symptoms if you do get a cold.
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A Tip for Finding Good Extra Virgin Olive Oil
You've likely heard how good olive oil can be for you.
And there are plenty of choices available - some more expensive than others.
One tip to finding a high quality olive oil - find one that creates a subtle peppery taste or sensation in the back of your throat when swallowed.
That taste is a sign of the presence of a compound that may offer health benefits as well as added taste enjoyment, and is typically found only in high quality extra virgin olive oils.
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Vegetables in a Pill?
There are plenty of products out there whose labels state:
"Equivalent to eating ____ servings of vegetables"
Sounds great.
And most things that sound too good to be true, well, are too good to be true.
The best way to get all the nutrients you need to obtain from vegetables and fruit is to eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruit!
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The Best Antidepressant Known
Depression is all too common in the world today.
And while there are many reasons for depression, perhaps the most common medical treatment for the condition comes in the form of a prescription drug.
But did you know that for mild to moderate depression there is an extremely effective treatment that costs nothing?
It's true! The treatment?
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Cruciferous Vegetables - Yum!
You may have heard of cruciferous vegetables, but -
which vegetables are cruciferous vegetables?
You've likely eaten more than a few - including broccoli and cauliflower.
But there are others, and they are really good for you.
And they may just help fight cancer.
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Does Dr. Russ Follow His Own Recommendations?
It's easy to give advice, less easy to follow it.
But Dr. Russ really does follow the advice shared with you.
Because 1) the research shows doing so is good for health; 2) he feels better for doing so, and 3) most of the time it's fun!
Plus, he leaves room for the occasional splurge.
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Organic Foods - Better or Just More $?
Media outlets were buzzing last week with talk about organic foods.
Why? A recently published study found that conventional produce is as nutritious as organic produce.
Not counting the use of pesticides...
Conventional produce is a very good choice for the foods you eat intermittently. When you're eating a specific food on a regular basis, however, organic may be a better choice.
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Egg-zactly - A Few Eggs a Week Are Okay
Eggs have long been a meal staple, especially for breakfast.
But the simple egg has been at the center of controversy in recent years - how safe it is to eat them, and how many we should eat?
A recent study made the claim that eggs, specifically egg yolks, are very bad for us.
But I am not convinced, and many others aren't, either.
A few eggs each week should be fine, maybe even good for you.
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Ulcers, Medicines and Options
Ulcers of the digestive tract can be a serious medical problem.
While some uncomplicated medical issues can be addressed with carefully chosen complementary therapies, many require conventional medical care, and all complicated health issues mandate the attention of a conventional medical provider.
If you've been diagnosed with ulcers in your stomach, esophagus or duodenum you need some form of conventional medical care.
And some complements to that care can be helpful, too.
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Quinoa - A Tasty, High Protein Food
Strictyly speaking quinoa is not a grain, yet it's a good source of fiber.
In addition, and perhaps most notably, quinoa is an excellent protein source.
You might not think that a food that looks like a grain could provide so much protein.
But it does, and all in a small yet tasty package that's easy to prepare.
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A Good Night's Sleep
Whether you have difficulty falling asleep, or wake up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep, you're not alone in having problems getting a restorative night's sleep.
Insomnia is a very common problem, with many different sources.
The good news is that you can often help yourself get a restful night's sleep through some relatively easy actions.
And if that's not sufficent, your doctor can work with you to help enhance your sleep.
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