Skin Folds and Yeast
Everyone has skin folds, some more than others, and skin folds can become an issue during summer when the temperature gets hot and the humidity rises.
Because moisture, heat and an enclosed space are the perfect breeding ground for fungi - what are often called yeast.
A very common issue, and one that is best managed in partnership with your doctor.
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Relax, But Don't Sit Down
A recent study looked at the impact of sitting and television watching on population-based life expectancy.
Not surprisingly, researchers found that being sedentary may shave years off life expectancy in the US.
More troubing, however, is this - regular exercise may not completely offset the effects of being sedentary.
The take home message - try your best not to spend more than a couple of hours sitting each day, AND exercise regularly.
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What to Have for Breakfast...
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day>
You've heard that before, right?
It may well be true.
But it can be hard to make time to cook breakfast - let alone eat it - when you're on the run.
Read on for easy tips on how have a quick, healthy breakfast every day.
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Do You Need to Take Supplements?
It seems everyone is taking a vitamin.
Or a supplement. Maybe an herb.
Do you really need any of these to be healthy?
It depends. But regardless you shouldn't need to take a lot of supplements to be healthy -
provided you're eating (and hopefully enjoying) a healthy diet.
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Tips for Delicious (and healthy) Grilled Foods
Summertime is a great time to break out the grill.
Cooking food on the grill adds unique flavor to a meal - besides, grilling is fun!
AND there are some prudent precautions to take to make sure the foods you cook not only taste good, but are good for you.
These simple steps don't take away from the enjoyment of your meal - in many ways, they can help make the dishes you prepare even more satisfying.
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Tips for Even Better Grilling
Summertime is a great time to break out the grill.
Cooking food on the grill adds unique flavor to a meal - besides, grilling is fun!
AND there are some prudent precautions to take to make sure the foods you cook not only taste good, but are good for you.
These simple steps don't take away from the enjoyment of your meal - in many ways, they can help make the dishes you prepare even more satisfying.
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Stay Cool When it's Hot Outside
Things are getting hot in Charlotte...
and I'm not referring to our local politics or sports teams - I'm talking temperature!
Over the next few days it's expected to be 100 degrees or more outdoors.
Summer is definitely here, and it's important to keep the following basic health precautions in mind when it's this hot outside.
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Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes - What to Eat?
Diabetes is very common in our society.
If you have diabetes or are at risk for diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, small changes in your diet can make for big health benefits.
And your meals can still be satisfying and tasty.
But, you really should exercise, too.
Remember, you can have diabetes and still be healthy!!
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Omega-3s - From Nuts and Seeds?
Omega-3 fats are generally healthy for you.
But what if you don't enjoy eating fish very much? Where will you get your omega-3s?
While a variety of foods contain some omega-3 fats, these essential fats really are best obtained from fish oil.
Eating some walnuts and ground flax seed will help, but if you don't eat fish it might be best for you to consider taking a fish oil supplement.
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Weight Loss - Taking the First Step
It seems everyone is trying to lose weight these days.
And it's often not very easy to do in a healthy and successful way.
With all the information / misinformation out there about how best to lose weight, what is the best way to get started?
The first step in weight loss is to take that first step - literally. A simple exercise regimen can contribute to healthy weight management -
as well as a happy mood and healthy heart.
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Vitamin D - How Much is Too Much?
The sunshine vitamin (vitamin D) is pretty natural, right?
So there shouldn't be any reason to fear taking too much of it, right?
Um - wrong!
Even though vitamins and minerals may naturally appear in our foods and, specifically in the case of vitamin D, be created in our skin getting too much of them can be dangerous.
Read on to figure out how much vitamin D you should take, if any.
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Eating Well is NOT Harder than Doing Your Taxes
The basics of following a healthy diet are largely agreed upon and easy to follow - right?
Apparently not.
A survey performed by the IFIC Foundation showed that people can often make more sense of how to do their taxes than how best to eat healthily.
A sad state of affairs - and one of the main reasons why Harris Teeter created the yourwellness team over 7 years ago.
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Chamomile Tea - Tasty and Helpful
Many teas for sale or available at restaurants are made using the leaves of herbs, such as chamomile.
Chamomile tea is delicious and smells good, too.
It can also help relieve a mildly upset stomach, and help prepare you for a restful night's sleep.
Maybe you'll try a nice, warm cup of chamomile tea before going to bed tonight.
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Can You Be Vegan and Healthy? Yes.
People choose to follow a vegan pattern of eating for many different reasons.
Regardless of the reason, being vegan can be a healthy choice.
if you are vegan or plan to follow a vegan dietary plan, be sure to supplement with at least the vitamins and minerals listed below.
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Shingles Vaccine Follow-up - What If You've Already Had Shingles?
As discussed in a previous blog posting, shingles is a painful disorder of the skin caused by the same virus that is behind chicken pox.
The good news is that there is a vaccine against shingles which offers very effective protection against the condition.
But what if you've already had shingles?
Most people don't get a second bout, but the vaccine is still presently recommended for generally healthy people over age 60 years.
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Should You Get Vaccinated Against Shingles?
Shingles, or herpes zoster, is a painful skin condition characterized by a collection of small blisters on reddened skin.
The virus that causes chicken pox can remain in nerves and sleep there for decades; but it can also wake up, and when it does shingles occurs.
While there are medications that can be used to treat shingles, it is best to prevent the illness in the first place. That's where the vaccine comes in.
If you've over age 50-60, ask your doctor if they recommend you have the vaccine against shingles, now or in the near future.
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To Benfotiamine or Not?
Ever heard of benfotiamine?
Most people have not, but it if you have a history of neuropathy or diabetic kidney problems, you might know about this agent.
Benfotiamine is sometimes used to help manage these conditions, among other health issues.
It appears to have little in the way of side effects, but its effectiveness remains debatable.
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Craving Sweets?
Most people enjoy sweets, especially as a treat.
But what if you find yourself seemingly craving sweets all the time?
It's a situation that is not uncommon.
It is not yet known why some people crave certain foods, but many experts believe that food cravings may be related to inadequately managed stress.
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